What you will learn from this book:
The Medical Laboratory
Clinical Laboratory Sections
Hematology Section
Chemistry Section
Blood Bank Section
Serology (Immunology) Section
Microbiology Section
Quality Assurance/Quality Control
Safety in the Laboratory
Laboratory Hazards
Physical Hazards
Chemical Hazards
Biological Hazards
Infection Control
Isolation Precautions
Hepatitis and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
The Microscope
Understanding Laboratory Measurements
Basic Units of the System
Metric Measurement
Solutions and Dilutions
Preparing Solutions and Dilutions
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Arterial Blood Gas Studies
Infectious Mononucleosis
Testing Procedures
Determination of ABO Group
Site Selection
Complications Associated With Phlebotomy
Factors To Consider Prior To Performing The Phlebotomy Procedure
Routine Venipuncture
Failure to Obtain Blood
Special Venipuncture
Fasting Specimens
Timed Specimens
Two-Hour Postprandial Test
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)
Blood Cultures (BC)
Special Specimen Handling
Cold Agglutinins
Chilled specimens
Light-sensitive specimens
Dermal Punctures (Microcapillary collection)
Site selection for infant microcapillary collection
Order Of Draw
Test Tubes, Additives And Tests
Lavender top tube
Light-Blue top tube
Green top tube
Gray top tube
Red/Gray (speckled) top tube
Red top tube
Stage 1: Vascular phase
Stage 2 - Platelet phase
Stage 3 - Coagulation phase
Stage 4 - Fibrinolysis
Needle Stick Prevention Act
Latex Sensitivity
Introduction to Microbiology
Safety Considerations
Smear Preparation, Staining Techniques, and Wet Mounts
The Gram Stain
Smear Preparation
Smearing and Fixation Technique
Staining Bacteria
Staining of Blood Smears
Urine Formation
Red Urine
Collecting the Urine Specimen
General Instructions for Urine Collection
First Morning Sample
Mid-Stream Specimen
Clean-Catch Specimen
24-Hour Urine Collection (Addis Test)
Specific Gravity
Urine Volume
Urinary pH
Urinary Glucose
Urinary Bacteria
Urinary Leukocytes
Specialized Urine Tests/Urinary Pregnancy Testing
The Medical Laboratory
Clinical Laboratory Sections
Hematology Section
Chemistry Section
Blood Bank Section
Serology (Immunology) Section
Microbiology Section
Quality Assurance/Quality Control
Safety in the Laboratory
Laboratory Hazards
Physical Hazards
Chemical Hazards
Biological Hazards
Infection Control
Isolation Precautions
Hepatitis and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
The Microscope
Understanding Laboratory Measurements
Basic Units of the System
Metric Measurement
Solutions and Dilutions
Preparing Solutions and Dilutions
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Arterial Blood Gas Studies
Infectious Mononucleosis
Testing Procedures
Determination of ABO Group
Site Selection
Complications Associated With Phlebotomy
Factors To Consider Prior To Performing The Phlebotomy Procedure
Routine Venipuncture
Failure to Obtain Blood
Special Venipuncture
Fasting Specimens
Timed Specimens
Two-Hour Postprandial Test
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)
Blood Cultures (BC)
Special Specimen Handling
Cold Agglutinins
Chilled specimens
Light-sensitive specimens
Dermal Punctures (Microcapillary collection)
Site selection for infant microcapillary collection
Order Of Draw
Test Tubes, Additives And Tests
Lavender top tube
Light-Blue top tube
Green top tube
Gray top tube
Red/Gray (speckled) top tube
Red top tube
Stage 1: Vascular phase
Stage 2 - Platelet phase
Stage 3 - Coagulation phase
Stage 4 - Fibrinolysis
Needle Stick Prevention Act
Latex Sensitivity
Introduction to Microbiology
Safety Considerations
Smear Preparation, Staining Techniques, and Wet Mounts
The Gram Stain
Smear Preparation
Smearing and Fixation Technique
Staining Bacteria
Staining of Blood Smears
Urine Formation
Red Urine
Collecting the Urine Specimen
General Instructions for Urine Collection
First Morning Sample
Mid-Stream Specimen
Clean-Catch Specimen
24-Hour Urine Collection (Addis Test)
Specific Gravity
Urine Volume
Urinary pH
Urinary Glucose
Urinary Bacteria
Urinary Leukocytes
Specialized Urine Tests/Urinary Pregnancy Testing
- Publication Date:Jan 02 2015
- ISBN/EAN13:150572368X / 9781505723687
- Page Count:84
- Binding Type:US Trade Paper
- Trim Size:8.5" x 11"
- Language:English
- Color:Black and White
- Related Categories:Medical / Education & Training